Donnerstag, 16. April 2009

Bokeh - Alien Skin Plug-In for PS

Beauty, originally uploaded by topfloor.

On the Blog PhotoWalkPro I read an interesting article about this new plus-in. You may want to read it as well, the link is provided at the end of this post.

My comment for Jeff (the author) I wrote on his Blog was . . .
. . . Hey Jeff! Thanks for showing the effects of this very cool plug-in. I am a Bokeh addict, In MHO achieving nice Bokeh is possible with lenses with a max. aperture under 2.0, depending on the length / mms. A 85 mm f/1.8 will give you nice Bokeh, whereas at 21 mm a f/1.4 usually are needed. With a 50 mm lens, f/1.8 should work, f/1.4 is better. Lenses in the 50 mm range and f/1.8 or 1.4 can be bought (sometimes used) at the price point of this plug-in. But this is not the point, i think - with this fine plug-in you have the absolute control what is 'out of focus' or 'in Bokeh' - long after the shot. Even pics shot with a Point and Shoot as the Canon G10 etc. (small sensor -> big DoF) might be 'bokehd' with this plug-in. I hope Alien Skin has a trial period available for this thing and I'll start playing with it if possible. I look forward to your video, thanks for your post!

I checked the Alien Skin site and they have a 30 days full functional trial period. On theier site, you find interesting examples of Point and Shoot pics altered with this plug-in. I think it's worth considering if this tool may work for you.

Link to the Alien Skin product site:

Link to the Blog-article by Jeff with good pics illustrating the tool:

Have fun!

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