Kodak TRIX 400
Example 1
Example 2 (shot very close to the location of the shot above)
High quality bw film with unique look in contrast and grain. Can be pulled 1 stop and pushed 2 stops, even 3 if it has to be. Does not like every developer though. I prefer Rodinal or XTOL.
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Kodak Portra400 (new)
The colors are close to natural. Skin tones are 'real', and the non-skin colors are relativly vivid. As I like a punchy look in my color images, this new Portra 400 is good, but the 400VC (vivid color) is my favorrite (discontinued) -> see below for an example of the 400VC
Example of the Kodak Portra 400VC . . .
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Fuji Provia 400
Excellent film for shooting when the sun is gone. This example was pushed 2 stops. I love the slight color shift, the cinematic look it gives me. My favorite film for the evening / night, when 1600 ISO do the job
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Rollei PAN 25
Sharp. Perfect for shooting in the sun, giving me the chance to shoot wide open when I have to.
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Fuji Velvia 50F
Great for crossing. I usually bracket this film (3 exposures) as the color effects chance drastically with over- and underexposure. Totally surprising, fun to shoot subjects I have shot digitally or with 'normal' film.
Have fun finding the film that pleases you most for a given situation.
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