20081112_144907_NIKON D700_Africa_TarangireNP_Wildlife__CRF7036-Bearbeitet, originally uploaded by topfloor.
A fine project on JMG-galleries (Jim M. Goldstein's Blog -> http://www.jmg-galleries.com/blog/ ) made me select my 10 best shots of 2008 in a flickr set . . .
Top 10 Photos of 2009
Check them out.
From Jim's blog: "Since last year’s “Your Best Photos from 2007″ blog project was such a hit I’d like to continue the tradition by kicking off “Your Best Photos from 2008″ blog project.
After looking long and hard at my photos from the past year and posting My Top 10 Favorite Photos of 2008 I couldn’t resist putting together another blog project with the theme of “Your Best Photos from 2008″. Clearly the only rules for this project is that you share photos taken within the calendar year of 2008. As with all my photography blog projects participation is more important than anything else. I look forward to seeing your photos!
If you have a photography-related site, take a minute to:
1. - Access my Contact page
Note: Omit “http://” on any links.
2. - In the subject line type “Your Best Photos From 2008″
3. - In the message put the name of your site, web address, link to your “Your Best Photo From 2008″ photo/blog entry and a one sentence description about your photo(s).
Note: Acceptable submissions include a web site page, entry on your blog, link to your best of Flickr set, etc.
The deadline to take part will be Sunday JANUARY 11th at 11:59PM PST.
The following Tuesday I’ll post a link to all submitted sites and photos.
Having everyones photos and stories listed at once should make for a great Tuesday read."
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