Freitag, 13. November 2009

3 pics in the All day I dream about photography blog

look up and wonder, originally uploaded by topfloor.

Wow, a first timer . three of my London pictures were selected by this blog here

First shot

First shot, originally uploaded by topfloor.

At Meister Leica Camera Store in Hamburg, on friday the 13th, a little magic happened in my favour. Only hours before departing for New York City I was able to pick up my M9. This is the first pic I took. Pictured is the counter, in the foreground my M8 (middleground Espresso was nice) and in the background another happy customer who picked up his new M9 as well.

EXIF: 1/90th at f/2 with ISO 160, 35mm ASPH

Farewell, am on my way to Gotham city :-)

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

Isle of Light - Lichtinsel

Lichtinsel V, originally uploaded by topfloor.

In the Fuldaaue Park of Kassel there is a little (artificial) island called Siebenbergen (seven hills). A light installation was to be seen there for a few weeks in the evenings, as our local newspaper HNA reported. Some of the installations can be seen under the title Lichtinsel on my Flickr stream . . .

Happy Shooting :-)