Freitag, 2. Januar 2009

2009 Photochallenge

Originally uploaded by topfloor : "Have you seen those 365 day, self portrait photo projects? If you’re on Flickr, you probably have. You set out to take a self portrait of yourself, (that’s what a self portrait is), and shoot one every day, all year long.

I’m not so sure if I could pull it off. Oh, I could take my own photograph, that’s not the issue. The issue is whether or not I could shoot one everyday, all year long. I’d probably do well, until about March. Then, I’d tank.

However, there are some good things out of digging down and finding the endurance to remain committed to a project like that. I’d like to harness a project like this, and use it to our advantage. What? We’re going to do a similar Challenge, just with a twist!

This year, 2009, we’re going to be shooting one photo-a-day. Yup, you read that right! Not one a week, like the 2008 Challenge. Nope, we’re going to shoot one shot a day.

Now, let’s get one thing straight. I’m not sure if anyone of you will actually succeed at a fresh shot, every day. There may be a few, but I doubt it. Is that a negative attitude? Probably, but I don’t care. It’s just true."

1 Kommentar:

Trevor Carpenter hat gesagt…

Great shot! This could be a wonderful stock photograph. I foresee it as the cover to some book. Maybe a novel.

Nicely done.