This is an example of a easy done, but strange Selfie- The Lomo Spinner 360 takes a (more than) 360 degrees pano shot, so I was on the pic two times.
The camera really is of low quality, mine failed after only 15 films (and was replaced without problems by the Lomo shop Vienna).
The Museum Quarter in Vienna where the pic was taken is a place really worth more than one visit, a place to see, talk, chill and relax.
Happy shooting,
Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010
Strange Selfie - Lomo Spinner 360
Dienstag, 16. November 2010
Vintage Camera - Polaroid Land Camera Automatic 101
A few weeks ago, I was wandering through Berlin with an PLC 101, loaded with Fuji 100C film. This is the Shell building in Berlin at Lützowufer near my hotel, an eyecatcher. It's nice to rediscover well known places with another camera / film combo that just adds an edge to things.
This type of film required me to check temperature and to tear the two sheets apart after just the right time to get a proper developed picture - no big deal though. The rich colors and sharp contrasts surprised me in a nice way.
Get inspired, get shooting :-)
blue hour or golden hour?
who cares? Light as seen in the shot makes me wake up early, pull out a sturdy tripd and expose myself to the cilly winds at the north sea ;-)
This is only a 'trial' shot for my film shots with a medium format camera.
I enjoyed my time at List harbour this morning, also because there was nobody around.
Happy shooting,
Sonntag, 14. November 2010
Shooting Travelphotography with a foldable Medium Format camera
This is an example of the first ten 120-format films I shot, self-developed and scanned. There is quite a lot to learn, so I am far from good at this.
An Ilford Delta 3200 ISO film was used for this shot of a street in Dresden in the evening, the Voigtländer Bessa III was my camera of choice. Besides giving you only 12 shots per roll of film, this camera is beautiful. The coupled rangefinder makes focussing easy, the central shutter (built into the lens) makes nearly no sound at all, and when it's folded together, the camera is very portable on a vacation.
Due to the big film format, shots with shallow depth of field can easily be obtained, and I look forward to my future experiences with this rare film / camera combo.
Voitgländer Camera
Ilford Film
Happy shooting,
Samstag, 13. November 2010
Manual focus versus Autofocus - funny YouTube video
This is a very funny, yet technical interesting YouTube video about focusing techniques. The funny guys from Digital Rev compare a Canon V Mk II with an Olympus EP-1 and a Leica M9.
or the tiny link . . .
Have a look and a laugh :-)
analog day at the beach
Lucky weather today. I made use of the weather by shooting a few rolls of film. The Rollei Nightbird, Fuji Velvia 100F, Fuji Sensia 100 and Agfa Precisa were my friends (with 120 and 135 film).
This is a iPhone shot of my R4A with a light gathering device attached to it at List harbour / Sylt.
Happy shooting, Carsten
Freitag, 12. November 2010
Praxis der Polaroid Land Fotografie - Buchtipp
Wer sich für alte Polaroid Kameras interessiert, so auch die Automatic Kameras und Co, kann sich in diesem antiquarisch erhältlichen Buch kundig machen. Kostet nicht viel und erhellt dennoch. Steht auch mehr drin als in der Bedienungsanleitung, welche sich auf Orphancameras als PDF oft finden läßt.
Der Tipp zu diesem Buch kam zu mir vom Laden für analoge Fotografie (Versand, Braunschweig) Spürsinn -
Happy shooting, Carsten
6x6 and 35 mm - different feelings
Some bloggers take the analog route and rediscover film shooting. Same goes for me. Inspired by a blog post from Chris Marquard, I wrote up some differences between these systems I found out this year.
For 35 mm, I use the Leica M System. A M7 offers you center weighted aperure priority shooting, the rangefinder is coupled, of course. The system is very small (for 35 mm) and pretty useful for still and moving objects alike. Vignetting can be produced on a 35 mm camera as well, depending on the lens you attach, e.g. the 50 mm Noctilux f/1.0 with nice bokeh and vignette.
In the medium format / 6x6 range, I use foldable cameras with coupled rangefinders and built in light meters, such as the Plaubel Makina 67 or the Voigtländer Bessa III. The way of shooting is pretty much the same as with a Leica M7, only the depth of field is more shallow.
I have yet to compare the films between 35 mm and 6x6, and I tend to push or pull my films only on rare occasions, so I am not experienced in this field.
Street Photography can be done with a (modern = less than 25 years old) 6x6 as well as a 35 mm camera, I guess. The 10 / 12 pictures per roll slow you down a bit, of course, because you have to change films often. 10 rolls a day were a common rate on my trip to Prague this may, when I was only shooting 6x6, one camera loaded with a low ISO film, the other with a fast film, so I would just change cameras when moving from the sun into a shady little street.
An advantage of this low frame number is that I can change films more foten to adapt to changing situaions. When shooting in Venice in September this year, I was often changing between the Rollei Nightbird (Redscale) when I had a backlit subject (Rialto bridge tec.) and Rollei Crossbird when in even light or shadow surroundings. WIth only 12 frames on a film, this can be done conventiently often without wasting material.
The focusing is also a bit slower on the 6x6 cameras, because they are less compact than the 35 mm Rangefinders. But with Zones focusing, this can be solved.
The 6x6 is also a lot less (!!) noisy because the central shutter (built in the lens) makes almost no sound at all when you click the shutter.
The positive feedback when using a 6x6 can be confirmed - a street musican on Karlsbridge made the other people step to the side so I could get a better view fo him because 'this guy is going to take a real picture with a real camera - he needs the space to get a good shot'. You get smiles when people realize you take their picture when using the foldable 6x6.
The 6x6 gives me a different feel in my hands, a feeling I truly enjoy from time to time :-) - so it all depends on the lens / camera and film combo you use, I think.
The photographer makes the picture, not the camera - true, I think. But the camera / lens / film combo influences me as the Photographer; I'll take different pictures with different cameras / films / lenses because of the different (welcomed) limitations these factors have.
Have fun and share your analog adventures with us,
Donnerstag, 11. November 2010
Emphasis via Focus
In this shot, I wanted to show you the mood and the weather at Sylt (Germany's northern mst island) - so I focused on the rain drops at the window. Hope it works and that the storms that will hit the island tomorrow will make for great sky afterwards.
Happy shooting, Carsten
Mittwoch, 10. November 2010
Sun over Sylt
Found my way on the island. First day, sun and just a little bit of wind - a perfect day at the North Sea shore. With Denmark in sight, the view at Sylt's northern most point (Ellenbogen) was great. Shot a few Polaroids (Spectra Film, expired in 2008) today and enjoy a nice dinner at the appartment right now.
Happy shooting, Carsten
Sonntag, 7. November 2010
the best camera
is the one that you have with you. Sometimes for me this is my iPhone. Recently I was pointed towards the Hipstamatic App for the iPhone, a rather slow working App that takes the picture with a lens and film simulation that you have to dial in. The results are quite often pretty 'artsy' but fun. - Link
Check it out if you have a faible for a look like this.
Happy Shooting,
Montag, 1. November 2010
Good Streetphotography Video (Robert Mitchell)
Very nice video about Streetphotography, featuring th ebritish shooter Robert Mitchell
Have fun watching it,
Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010
Searching for . . .
the details that make a city. This time I was looking for reflections, a symbol for the city and a human element. When all fell into place, it was a simple click.
Preset Fuji Velvia 50 applied to the RAW file in Lightroom 3.
I wish you a wonderful week, go out and enjoy taking some pictures!
Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010
PX70 Color Shade Film
Playing around with the Polaroid SX70 at Rockefeller Center, NYC, last week. Such a graphic place never fails to attract me.
The PX70 film by the impossible project (at least the current flush) is dissapointing - weak in colors and contrast, artsy is the only excuse that goes along with this film. Hope, it'll improve with the next flushes they produce in the Netherlands.
Have fun,
Mittwoch, 29. September 2010
Polaroid infected
Today I visited the Impossible Project Gallery and Store on Broadway / Manhattan. The pictures they show are astonishing, they blow them up to an incredible size.
They have refurbished vintage Polaroid cameras for sale, a silver SX70 fell into my hands, together with some packs of PX100 bw and Milk4th color film. Looking forward to polaroid around in New York the coming days :-)
Happy shooting, Carsten
Featured by Torontoist
This bokeh hunt shot I made in Toronto during heavy rain made it as the Photoist selction of the group - thx to the adminds for that!
Have a look at the Torontoist website here
Sonntag, 26. September 2010
in Toronto now
fine City, good weather, fun on the streets . . .
I have been in the city of Toronto / Canada for three days now. Thanks to some nice contacts, I could explore the streets with other cool shooters and get to know a little bit of this town. Very enjoyable so far.
And I learned a few new little tricks in LR3 which is always a pleasure :-)
My new NEX5 behaves well and works with my Leica lenses thanks to the Voigtlaender adapter.
Happy shooting,
Sonntag, 15. August 2010
New headphone - tech sidenote
On my recent trip to Berlin I had the chance to try out the new Bowers and Wilkens P5 headphones. Besides being small and even with glasses a comfortable wear, the sound quality is very good.
Definitely bigger than the in-ear-things, the P5 still folds down to a pretty small pack and can be stowed away in a decent sack provided with them.
Should you be looking for new headphones, you might want to give them a try. Sound quality on the iPhone is inderior because of the cheap D/A unit, but on an iPod remarkably well, if you have recorded your music in high quality MP3 or Apple Lossless format.
The headphones have a builöt in microphone in the cable so you can use them for hands free phone calls as well.
Amazon Video for the P5
This excellent Photo was taken by fortytwenty
Frame within
An example of my shots I took the analogue way during a week long trip. I visited Dresden, Karlsbad and Prague, exposing more than 50 rolls of film (mostly 120 bw).
Business and travels keep me busy this summer, so blogging is difficult for me right now. Thx for staying tuned. Have fun!
Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010
and the winner is . . .
Brian Auer from his EPIC Edits Blog choose this photo (inspired by a shot of the same location by my friend - Composer - out of my Flickr stream as his fav shot. Have a look at his interesting blog over here
EPIC Edits
and see more photos like this by me over here
Vanishing Points set
Have fun!
Samstag, 19. Juni 2010
vanishing lines
Having returned for some days from my travels to Prague, Malta and Berlin, I am scanning the many rolls of film I filled on these travels (10 done with 54 to go) - kind of boring job ;-) . So I find some time to blog a little . . .
For a call for photos on a blog, I screended my stream for vanishing point shots - and was surprised to fund out I had shot dozens shots fitting that theme in the last 2 years - obviously I was (and am) addicted to these kind of geometric things without relising it :-)
Head over to the Epic Edits Blog to find out details about these theme calls and have fun.
Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2010
17 inspirational Analog Photos
Over at the fine blog 'Epic Edits' Brian Auer has themes going. The last was was Analog, and I am humbled by the selction of this shot I took for the selection. Head over to Brians Blog and see the rest . . .
Epic Edits Blog / Analog
Have fun!
Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010
Beauty of Subways
Big fun to hunt for views like this one in the Metro stations. Lisboa has one of the most beautiful metro systems in Europe.
Having just returned from Prague with the Metro that have the communist charme ;-), I appreciated the Lisboa memories even more.
Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010
Fotografen Gesichter
Frau Dr. Martina Mettner hat mit Ihrem Buch 'Wie man ein großartiger Fotograf wird' einigen Staub aufgewirbelt. Wenige positive Rezensionen auf der Amazon Buchseite und auch in den Foren sehr gemischte Kritiken sind typisch für das Echo der deutschen Fotografen.
Mich hat Ihr rosa Buch begeistert, auch wenn ich nicht alle Meinungen und Standpunkte teilen kann.
Eine ihrer Ideen für Fotoclubs ist, das sich die Teilnehmer gegenseitig fotografieren (mal endlich was fotografieren, das sprechen, sich bewegen und weglaufen kann).
Gesagt - Getan. Im lokalen Fotoclub kam die Projektidee gut an. Dies sind einige meiner Fotos. Jeweils ein Portrait, eins mit geschlossenen Augen und eines mit der Kamera am Auge. Hat Spaß gemacht, mal sehen, was die anderen Herren so für Fotoideen haben werden.
Lichtaufbau: 3 Feuchtraumneonröhren vom Baumarkt für 9,99 Euro das Stück gekauft. Jeweils eine links und rechts des Models nebem dem Gesicht, eine mittig dahinter. Vor schwarzem Hintergrund in dunklem Raum. Fotografiert mit D700 + 85 mm f/1.4 bzw. M9 + 50 mm f/1.0. In Lightroom mit Filmpreset zu SW gewandelt. Danke an meine geduldigen Models und meinen Assistenten Composer!
Link zum Buch - zum kritischen Lesen empfohlen
Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010
Self developing your BW film
First steps with developing film myself.
I got myself a meduim format foldable Rangefinder, the Voigtländer Bessa III 667 camera
from some money I got from selling gear on eBay. Full Copyright of the above picte (c) 2009 by chachahavana. Have a look at his outstanding Flickr stream .
This is one of my first takes with a roll of BW medium format film (120 Ilford FP4 plus ISO 125). The patient first subject was by beloved Great Dane Ayk.
So the subject and composition are typical for a first shoots with new camera, I guess. Will have to go along the learning curve for some time.
Film developed in Agfa Rodinal R09 One Shot. Quite some help on developing film yourself can be found here . . .
German with excellent tips, a real good guide for beginners
English on the Feeling Negative Blog with nice instructional videos and texts
Best prices, fast delivery and friendly phone contact for Germany I could find on the Internet was at . If somebody knows an even better source in Germany, please leave a comment here.
Have a good time, Carsten
Montag, 3. Mai 2010
Going analogue with the Leica M7
Photo by Guido Steenkamp / Berlin (c) 2008
After some blogging absence I am back now with an enhancement of my choice of photographic tools. Since march I am exploring analogue paths.
Things started with a planned visiti to Europe's biggest Lomo store in Berlin.
There, I acquired a Lomo LC-A with the new Instant back (photo above taken with this combo). A funny and akward thing :-)
More than a month later, I found a Leica M7 on eBay. The price was fair, the condition is unused, and is has the 0.58 viewfinder and the MP advance lever (very similar to Guido's photo above). As I had 10 days to test the camera I put 6 rolls of Kodak Ektachrome and Fuji Colorfilm through it while being on business trips to Kassel, Frankfurt and Nuernberg. Surpringsingly, I was able to put the camera to work at once, even loading film was a breeze after finding some help on YouTube Videos.
The M7 camera works - as my M8 and M9 - precise and smooth. Nicely is the lack of noise for rewinding. And thanks to a local camera store, the films were developed and scanned to a CD in less than 2 hours after delivery.
Workflow in Lightroom is much faster than with RAWs because I took less pictures and the files needed less tweeks. But, the Scans do have much less room for working on them as they were only JPG mid resolution scans.
So far, shooting film was much fun. I'll continue to follow this analogue path and look forward to learn more about the characteristics of the different film types available.
In my fridge, a selection of rolls are waiting for exposure. I went for a roll of . . .
. . . Neopan 400 135-36, Delta 400 135-36, Tri-X 400 135-36, Portra BW400CN 135-36, HP5 Plus 135-36, XP2 Super 135-36, Neopan, Acros 100 135-36, PanF Plus 135-36, Kodak Ektachrome E200 135-36, Portra 400VC 135-36, Velvia 100F 135-36, Fuji Color XTRA 400, Fuji Color XTRA 800, TMAX 400, TMAX P3200, Kodak 160CV and the Kodak 400VC.
These rolls will take some time and travels to be exposed :-)
Some basic Film informations can be found on this website (click on the film logos to get infos about this brands film - in german language only).
Looking for some analogue experiences on the web, I found these sources to be inspiring and helpful . . .
Feeling negative? - Very informative website and Blog
Returning to film - Blog by an enthusiast
Have fun,
Sonntag, 21. März 2010
Cool Holga Video
about the toy cam, how to modify and use it.
Have a look at it here . . .
Happy Shooting,
Samstag, 20. März 2010
Wim Wenders on Vimeo
For the 2008 Photokina, Leica produced a short (less than 2 minutes) video, emphasizing the emotional qualities of photography.
You may want to have a look here (Vimeo):
Wim Wenders on Leica from leica camera on Vimeo.
Happy shooting, Carsten
Donnerstag, 18. März 2010
Changing the perspective
This shot, taken by putting the camera down on the facade and the lens pointing upwards, is catching a perspective of a path / walkway with the sandstones.
Sometimes it works better than here, but I enjoy capturing scenes like this one.
Happy shooting!
Mittwoch, 17. März 2010
I am featured on Leica Shots . . .
The guys from Leica Shots were kind enough to feature me and some pics on their site today . . .
You can find a new profile and one or a few portfolio pictures of photographrs that use Leica equipment on this website every day.
This is the Link for the todays feature . . .
Happy shooting,
fun of self service
Part of the Vapiano restaurant chain concept is the self service. With a chip card, you go for food and drinks yourself and pay when you leave the restaurant. I enjoy this concept very much - fast when I have no time and peace when I just want to be left alone.
Here in Mannheim's Vapiano, my First Lady and me wanted to read for a few hours in the evening (after having driven 4 hours and worked for another 6), enjoying good italian red wine after Pasta. Having no waiter, asking every 10 minutes for orders was really enjoyable.
Have fun,
Dienstag, 9. März 2010
Las Vegas Street Photography on Vimeo
via Guido Steenkamps Blog I found the Leica Portal where this vimeo video is linked . . .
Las Vegas Street Photography by Pj Perez
Las Vegas Street Photography from Pj Perez on Vimeo.
not too long and unique. Have fun, Carsten
Montag, 8. März 2010
Let's play
Crossing the street, I held the camera low and just clicked without looking through the mirror to catch the red and blue combo. No great pic, but one I like.
Sometimes it's time just to play :-)
Samstag, 6. März 2010
Another Example for low down silhoutte hunting
done in Kassel Fuldaaue (Orangerie), this time without HDR, just a single shot. Processed in Lightroom 2.6, shot with the M9 and the Super Elmar 18 mm f/3.8.
Happy shooting!
For the love of silhouettes
When I see a beautiful background, well lit, such as a nice sky on sunset (or sunrise) with clouds and a nice mood in it, I enjoy going low down and wait for people to walk through my pictures because they add the human element.
Here I was near the Lower Saxony town of Celle, enjoying some geocaching with a friend, and saw the blueish sky and the winter tree. The young family was friendly enough to walk through my picture ;-) .
Shot with M9 and the not so great 21 mm f/4 Voigtländer Color Skopar lens (sold after this shooting because of vignetting on the full frame M9 sensor).
Have fun,
Freitag, 5. März 2010
Black and White HDR
Classic problem - classic solution: When the contrast range of a scene is too wide for the camera (here the white of the snow / clouds in the sky and the black of the forest are too far apart, I do a bracketing series of shots.
The three pics were then converted to a HDR, using the standard settings of Photomatix Pro. As I dislike the artificial colors of HDRs very much, I converted the HDR pic to black and white with my fav tool - Nik Silver Efex Pro.
This is an example, taken in the forest near Celle with a 21 mm lens on a full frame sensor.
Happy shooting,
Dienstag, 2. März 2010
David Solomons shooting Up West / London
This is a nice 5 minutes YouTube Video of David, doing Streetphotography in London.
David on Flickr
The video on YouTube
Have a nice day!
Andrea bloggt über ihre Sucherkamera-Erfahrungen
Andreaffm, laut ihrem Flickr-Profil eine Journalistin aus Frankfurt, berichtet auf ihrem Blog über ihren ersten Gehversuiche mit ihrer neuen Leica M9, außer den Erfahrungen mit der Retina ihres Vaters wohl ihre erste eigene Sucherkamera.
Sie tut dies so natürlich und manchmal auch selbestironisch, das man ihre Gefühle und Erfahrungen beim Umstieg von der Pentax DSLR mit 2.8er Zooms geradezu körperlich ;-) nachempfinden kann.
Hier könnt Ihr es nachlesen (auf Deutsch):
erster Tag:
zweiter Tag am Bahnhof:
dritter Tag bei Nacht:
Viel Spaß dabei.
Auch ein Kollege, der Stefan Wintermeyer, hat seine persönlichen Erfahrungswerte unter dem Titel 'Leica M9 – eine Liebesgeschichte' auf publiziert:
Auch dies vielleicht nicht immer ganz wörtlich bierernst zu nehmen, aber sehr authentisch und vergnüglich geschrieben.
Frohes knipsen,
P.S. Dieser Beitrag wurde nach Andreaffm's Kommentar berichtigt (nicht Canon, sondern Pentax DSLR ud Vater's Retina).
Montag, 22. Februar 2010
Avoid the 21 mm f/4 Voigtlaender on the M9
As Ken Rockwell wrote, I can now confirm that the Color Skopar 21 mm lens, made by Voigtländer and sold for around 350 Euros in Germany should be avoided on the Leica M9 because of heavy vignetting and some color fringing. Although this picture was taken with this camera / lens combo, the vignette was corrected in post and color fringing irrelevant because of the desaturation.
Happy shooting, Carsten
Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010
Low Down is fun
My picture Spaceship III - gangway is a typical example for the low down syndrome ;-)
Trying to capture unusual persectives to make an attractive subject more eye catching, the low down thing is a common try for me.
I can recommend a visit to the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven where the shot was taken.
Happy shooting,
Samstag, 6. Februar 2010
Hopper's Hands at Golden Gate
This is my fav perspectve at Fort Point near Golden Gate bridge. The two hands are at the end of a runners trail (with a little version for the dogs below).
Have a nice day!
Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010
Lightroom 2 crashes in final version with pictures of Leica M9
My LR2 crashed nearly every time I tried to develop pictures of a Leica M9 in the Develop module of LR2. After googling things, I found this on the Adobe website . . .
Lightroom 2.6
From Adobe Labs
Welcome to the Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom 2.6 release candidate on Adobe Labs. The ‘release candidate’ label indicates that this update is well tested but would benefit from additional community testing before it is distributed automatically to all of our customers. The Lightroom team would like the community to help verify the quality of this update through normal usage as this will ensure that the application is tested on a diversity of hardware and software configurations not available internally at Adobe.
If you do experience an issue with this release candidate please report it here: Bug Report Form
For more information on Lightroom 2 please visit the Lightroom pages on
Working with Lightroom 2.6
• Mac: The Mac Lightroom 2.6 release candidate can be installed alongside Lightroom 2.5.
• Windows: By default, this Lightroom 2.6 release candidate will remove or overwrite your existing Lightroom 2.5 installation. If you wish to return to Lightroom 2.5 after installing Lightroom 2.6, simply reinstall Lightroom 2.5 from your original download after uninstalling Lightroom 2.6 using the Windows add/remove program utility.
Both versions of the application share the same catalog format allowing your catalogs to be opened by either version without complications.
Leica M9 Users: The final releases of Lightroom 2.6 and Camera Raw 5.6 that followed this Release Candidate included a new bug that affects certain M9 images and causes the applications to crash. We've continued to provide access to the Release Candidates as the issue did not exist in these versions. The bug was introduced in the course of making image quality improvements to Leica M9 processing based on customer feedback. The Camera Raw and Lightroom teams recommend that you use the respective Release Candidate builds to work around the issue and apologize for this inconvenience while a new update is prepared.
To install Lightroom 2.6 Release Candidate, if you already have the final version:
• Mac: There is no need to delete the existing Lightroom 2.6 build. You can install the 2.6 RC directly.
• Win: You must uninstall Lightroom 2.6 via the Add or Remove Programs control panel before installing the Lightroom 2.6 RC.
Installing the older Relaese candidate as suggested on the website helped.
Have fun!
Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010
Inspiring film
The film The Third & The Seventh by Alex Roman is a 7 minute long film about the beauty of architecture. The film is Cmputer generated and does a wonderful job with the use of Bokeh and Light.
Have a look and view on vimeo at full screen size in HD . . .
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
Have fun!